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One of our core values is empowerment and education is a key component of that. Because we are passionate about estate planning, we provide many free resources to empower our community. Explore the blog to gain a deeper understanding of estate planning, or feel free to reach out to us with questions. You could get all your questions answered in a free one-hour meeting with an experienced estate planning and probate attorney.
Explore all of our posts below, or search for a specific topic here.

When to Start Estate Planning?
When is the best time to create an estate plan? The short answer is that it’s never too early. While everyone’s situation is unique and may vary, there are a few important reasons you should consider creating an estate plan today.

Coronavirus and Virtual Estate Planning
Whether the coronavirus pandemic has you worried about your future or spending your downtime being productive, it has certainly inspired widespread changes including highlighting the need for estate planning. People are thinking about what would happen to them, loved ones, pets, and their assets if they ended up in the hospital or passed away suddenly.

What is the Most Common Type of Trust?
What is the most common type of trust? There are several options to choose from, so how do you know which one is the right fit for you?

How to Find an Estate Planning Attorney
While I’m positive you know how to find an attorney, as it’s easy to make a few phone calls or look online. There are some key things you should look for and ask when searching for an estate planning attorney.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Prepare a Medical Power of Attorney?
Many of us have not given any thought to what would happen in the event we suffered from a medical emergency and were unable to speak for ourselves or make our own medical decisions. In such an unfortunate circumstance, you will need someone to make decisions regarding what is best for you and to advocate on your behalf with your medical providers.

What Does an Estate Planning Lawyer Do?
When planning for your future, you will want to consult an estate planning lawyer to discuss plans for your possible future incapacity and eventual death. An estate planning attorney does more than simply prepare your Last Will and Testament.

Ins and Outs of Probate Court
It is the court-supervised process of dividing and lawfully transferring assets after someone passes away. More specifically, probate is the process of transferring title of assets out of the name of the deceased to their heirs and beneficiaries.

Trusts 101
Why do you need to know about Trusts 101? Well, a friend of mine recently retired and is living comfortably in the home she and her husband paid off a few years ago.

Why Do I Need a Trust?
“Why do I need a trust?” It’s a valid question, and one we hear rather frequently at our probate and estate planning law firm.

The Top 5 Estate Planning Tips for Unmarried Couples
If you’re an unmarried couple in a serious relationship, you’re likely already sharing many of your assets. You may live together, share a vehicle, or even have children.

Here’s Why You Should Never “DIY” Your Estate Plan
Are you or someone you know thinking of doing your estate plan yourself? If you are, there are a few things you should consider.

Estate Planning in the Digital Age
If you have an estate plan, it has all of your physical assets covered. But, do you have a plan for your non-physical assets that are stored electronically?

What to Do After the Loss of a Loved One
The inevitability of loss is what makes us human. At some time in our lives, we will lose someone we love. Far too often the trauma of death is compounded with the overwhelming responsibility of closing out that person’s life.

How to Properly Share Financial Information with Your Successor Trustee
When I first started working in this industry over 17 years ago as a law clerk, I quickly became aware of a problem that many people encounter after the loss of a loved one. How does a successor trustee determine what assets are owned by the deceased?

Should I Hire an Attorney or Do It Myself?
As an attorney, I commonly get asked: “Is this something I need a lawyer for, or can I do it myself?” The answer depends on several factors.
Here are some questions to help you decide if you should get a professional.

Why You Need Both a Will and a Trust
One of the biggest estate planning myths that we hear all the time in our office is that a last will and testament and a revocable trust are interchangeable. The main difference between a trust and a last will and testament is how your assets are retitled after you pass away.

How to Avoid Probate Litigation?
We all know the Disney Princess story. After the princess’ mother passes away her father remarries. She now has an evil stepmother and a slew of bumbling step-siblings with dollar signs in their eyes.

What is a Fiduciary?
Fiduciary, fiduciary duty, breach of fiduciary duty; what do these terms mean? You may have heard the word or phrase used.

What is Guardianship and Conservatorship?
A few weeks ago, a woman called our office in a panic asking if she could set up power of attorney documents to manage her mother’s finances. Her mother was just placed into an assisted living facility due to advanced Alzheimer’s

What Happens to a Trust After the Last Trustor Passes Away?
We are often asked: “What needs to be done after I pass away, and is this something my children can do themselves? Do they need to hire a lawyer after I am gone?”
Still Have Questions or Not Sure Where to Begin?
Contact us today to schedule your free one-hour meeting with an attorney to assess your estate planning needs.